Coaching Webflow Template

Webflow CMS icon
Webflow Ecommerce icon
Webflow User Accounts icon
User Accounts
Figma Available

Perfect for coaches and small businesses, you can stand out online with Eden - an approachable and friendly template to help boost your online presence.

Eden is a unique an stylistic template.

Template Features

  • Announcement Banner - Keep your clients up to date with offers or other important information.
  • Reusable Sections - Plenty of reusable sections for when you need to expand your content.
  • Browser Compatibility - Displays consistently across all major browsers.
  • Newsletter Signup Form - A global call to action at the bottom of the pages.
  • Service Page Options - Two different service page styles to showcase what you do best.
  • Modern Animations - Adding movement to the pages so your clients stay engaged.
  • Global Colours - Update colours everywhere with the click of a button.

22x Pages included in the Eden Template

  • Home/Landing page
  • About
  • Services
  • Individual Service (2x options!)
  • Resources (CMS)
  • Categories (CMS)
  • Resource (CMS)
  • Contact
  • Free Download
  • Thank You (Form Submission)
  • Utility Pages (404 Page, Password Protected Page)
  • Legal Pages (Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)
  • Admin (Getting Started, Style Guide, Components, Changeling, Licenses)

Edit styles on one page for your convenience

You can update styles using the Style Guide admin page. Changes you make here using Tag or Class selectors will show up through the whole site. Classes are clear and simple to learn with explanations on things that need it - making your life as easy as possible!

Make Component changes in one place

The Components admin page is provided for you to make global changes all in one place. Learn more about customising components here.

Royalty Free Images & Icons

Use the images and icons on the template to your heart's content - they're all source from Royalty Free asset providers like Unsplash or Flaticon. You can learn more about licensing on the Licenses page of the template.

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